Simply Overwhelmed

If you have been a follower of my content at all, you know that anxiety has been a problem for me for many years. With this website, I am trying to share some ways to help others that struggle as I do deal with their own anxiety, regardless of the magnitude.

Absentee Author

I have let myself and anyone trying to follow me down of late. It has been a while since my last publishing of any sort, and for that I admit to feeling kind of guilty. I could present a lot of explanations or excuses for not writing or posting. I have some excellent reasons!


Utilizing My Tools

My primary reason for not posting anything in so long is I felt that in doing so, I would be a fraud, a sham, a shyster of sorts… how could I possibly write and give advice about anxiety when I was unable to control my own?

I tried several of the methods I have presented in previous posts. I used prescription medications on the really bad days. I didn’t feel like I had any choice. Every time I sat down to try to write, I had the “devil on my shoulder” telling me I had no business telling anyone how to deal with anxiety or stress when I was struggling so much!

Yes, there were legitimate reasons for the stress. I had major life changes to deal with and about which to make decisions, including whether to have major back surgery. But the fact that I couldn’t manage my own anxiety very well most days may me feel unworthy of continuing to try to help anyone else try to manage theirs.


A Different Angle

As I was explaining this to a friend one day, she helped a light bulb come on in my head (finally). She told me that I needed to take this information and learn from it and use it as a teaching tool for everyone else. That sounds simple enough, right? Now I just had to figure out how to make that happen! I still had to fight with my anxiety every day, but I kept a few notes on new topics or ideas for my website as I fought my way.

Back to Work

With encouragement from many people along the way and continued work on different modalities to get my anxiety under some sort of control, I finally feel confident enough to start writing again! It has been too long for me to be idle and it has been too long for my topic to not be addressed!

I can feel the fire returning to put out a lot of content. Now the struggle will be to reel myself in and not rush things. I don’t want to be sloppy in an effort to get out information quickly, it can keep an extra day if it has to!

I hope I haven’t lost too many followers during my hiatus. It’s hard to provide help for your mental health and well-being without some of my own!

3 Replies to “Simply Overwhelmed”

  1. I’m so glad that I found your website, as I myself suffer from extreme anxiety. I could really relate to a lot of what you have shared here. I have not done much to cope with my anxiety because I do not like to take medications so I’ve struggled with it for many years without any help. It’s nice to know there are other healthier ways to deal with anxiety and depression.

    1. Thank you! I hope that you find some of my suggestions helpful in your fight against anxiety. Stay tuned, there will be more to come!

  2. Hi Chris,
    We all have something valuable to learn and to teach. And what could be better than combining them both into your one website?

    I know this because I started my own website with the aim of helping others with what I already knew…. however, I soon discovered that the more I wanted to help them, the more I was also benefiting from the experience. The research I was doing, and its practical applications taught me far more than I would ever have come into contact with if I had never begun this blogging journey.

    Just do what you can, when you can, and it will be healing for you, body, mind, and soul…..

    Begin to see it as a journey, and begin to enjoy all the steps along the way!
    I wish you all the best 🙂

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